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Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services

Cyberbugs provides vulnerability assessments and penetration testing services. Our team of professionals is well accomplished in cybersecurity and perform penetration testing, checking for each vulnerability and fix them.


Cyberbugs is a cybersecurity service provider in nagpur, india and other native countries


Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services

Pen testing, also known as penetration testing, simulates a cyber attack against your computer system to check whether it contains exploitable vulnerabilities."White hat" penetration testing is a process of instigating simulated cyberattacks by using strategies and tools to access or exploit computer systems, networks, websites, and applications. Manual and automated penetration tests are usually conducted in order to systematically compromise servers, endpoints, web applications, wireless networks, network devices, mobile devices, and other points of vulnerability. So, this is all about Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services. 

Why you need Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services

Each organization wants to be secure. Cybersecurity is crucial to protect the networks, systems, mobile applications, website applications, and so on that organizations use.We are constantly performing penetration tests at Red Team Security as part of our everyday duties.


Penetration tests allow organizations to determine how secure their IT infrastructure is overall. It is possible that a company has robust security protocols in one area but lacks them in another. Because cyber attacks are so expensive, no company should wait for a real-world scenario before taking action


An investigation conducted by the Ponemon Institute in 2015 looked at 350 organizations from 11 countries that had suffered data breaches, as well as the costs associated with them. The majority of breaches (47%) were caused by malicious attacks, while the rest resulted from human error and system glitches. So this is why you need Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services. 

Types Of Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services

System And Network Penetration Testing

Internal Network penetration testing and external Network penetration testing are two types of network penetration testing.


External Network Penetration Testing:

Pen tests are designed to verify the effectiveness of perimeter security controls in detecting and preventing attacks, as well as identifying weaknesses in internet-facing assets such as FTP,SSH,SMB and web servers. In our analyses, we identify potential network attack pathways in which unauthorized individuals outside of your organization could gain access through servers or network equipment connected to the internet.


Internal Network Penetration Testing:

To better understand what an attacker could do with initial access to a network, internal pen testing is performed. Internal network pen tests can uncover insider threats, such as employees performing malicious actions intentionally or unintentionally. Managing internal threats to a company's network is one of our services. Internal testing examines ways employees or insiders might cause a breach through negligence, malice, or the accidental downloading of applications as opposed to external testing, which looks at ways remote hackers could access networks.


System Penetration Testing:
In fact, system penetration testing is a form of network penetration testing since the system has to be connected to the network in order to launch attacks. if the attackers can access the network using some ports such as ssh and smb, then they can take over the system. Hackers can inject malware, viruses, and ransomware if there is unauthorized access to the network. Attackers cannot access without a network connection 


Application Penetration Testing:


The penetration testing of applications is very important because every business has mobile applications, web applications, APIs, and so on. Application penetration testing is very important in order to prevent hackers from doing many malicious activities including data theft, account theft, dos attacks, IDORS, and many others.


Penetration tester test:
-Mobile Application
-Website Application




penetration tester test all the environment an fix all the vulnerabilities







Phase Of Penetration Testing 

1] Information Gathering


The first step is to gather information about the targets. We then select an environment, such as a website, and gather all sensitive information, and identify how hackers can obtain it. Finally, we look at scenarios to determine if hackers can use the information for malicious purposes or not.


information gathering is important to know about target before scanning and exploitation


2] Scanning


We scan all the networks after gathering information, finding ports on the network through scanning. Besides scanning entire networks and servers for vulnerabilities, we also test routers and provide security structures for your server and network infrastructure.


3] vulnerabiliti assessment


Performing vulnerability assessments is a step after scanning, which is when we do automation vulnerability assessments and manual vulnerability assessments. Since automation vulnerability assessments usually get false positives, we do more manual penetration testing since manual vulnerability assessments are more critical than automated penetration testing.



4] exploitation and gaining access


In order to exploit a vulnerability, we gain access to the environment and check how hackers can exploit it, how we fix it, and how we defend against it 


5] report writing


After going through all the phases, we prepare a deep report that focuses on fixing all the issues. We also provide cyber security policies to safeguard your organization. We also provide advice on how to resolve the issue.


In addition to live meetings, we support 24/7 and resolve all issues in a live meeting 




Cyberbugs provides Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services in india,  and other native countries. In addition, Cyberbugs provides security policies to protect your organization from cybercrime.


If you are looking for Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services talk to us for more. 





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