In this article we are talking about top command in linux explained.
Linux and MAC OS are safer and more secure than Windows. Linux is open source, whereas Windows requires the purchase of their product to install on a laptop. Linux distributions include:
1] Parrot
2] Kali Linux
3] Ubuntu
4] Black Arch
5] Mobexler and so on...
The purpose of this blog is to explain the top essential commands for Linux that can be used to control the operating system and the Linux environment.
Top Essential Linux Commands :
1] cat
Using this command, you can read any file content, including .pdf, .XML, .HTML, .txt, etc. If you need to read the context of a file, use this command.
2] cal
This is command is used to see the calendar
3] bc
This is an extremely useful command for Linux users. It allows you to enable a command-line calculator in the terminal.
4] chage
An acronym for change the age of the user and also change the expiration date of the password with this linux command
5] df
Using the df command, you can get all the information about your file system
6] help
Using the help command, you can see all the built-in commands you can use in shell.
7] pwd (Print Work Directory)
Print Work Directory prints the path of the directory you are currently working in. Linux noobs and those who are new to Linux Terminal will find this command very useful.
8] ls
It will show all the contents of the particular directory, that is, both files and directories, as you can see in the screenshot below.
9] uname
When run in a terminal shell, uname displays Linux system information.
10] ping
When attacking a website, network, or any system, you should first verify if the target can communicate with your system or not, then proceed to the further hacking phases. If you want to check if you are connected to a router or the internet, then PING (Packet INternet Groper) is the command you need to use. The ICMP protocol is used to connect to other devices.
11] mkdir
mkdir command can be used to create an empty directory
12] rmdir
rmdir command is used to delete the empty directory only
13] rm -rf
This command is used to delete any files and directory which is not empty
14] who
This command is used for system administrators who handle and manage many users who are connected to Linux. This command shows the complete list of users who are currently logged in to your system
15] whoami
This command shows currently logged in user
16] free
This command is used to check actual storage amount, how much space will be used and free in physical as well as swap memory.
17] top
This command is used to monitor all the ongoing processes on the Linux system.
18] echo
This command is used to print text on your terminal display
19] man
man stands for user manual and as the name suggests man command will display the user manual for the given command
20] passwd
this command is used to change the password of user and root. It is very useful command if you want to change your username and password. don't panic when you write password password will be not visible when you type but password input is available their.
21] history
history command will list all the command history on a particular terminal note that if you open 3 terminal so terminal have their one file configuration so when you type history on terminal 1 they show history commands of terminal 1 when you execute history terminal 2 they show history of terminal 2
22] login
if you want switch user or want to create a new session you can use this command then provide a correct detail to login in current terminal
23] lscpu
this commands gives CPU information
24] mv
this command moves the files and folders, also used to rename any file or folder in linux system
25] ps
this command used to see the list of all processes that are currently running for your session this command is like task manager
26] hostname
This command used to view the current host name
27] ifconfig
this command is used to see network information
28] last
when you execute the last command this will display the list of last logged in user their time and date also when user logged in when terminate
29] locate
this command is used to locate any files and folder
30] apt-get update && upgrade
this command is use to update and upgrade linux system
31] cd
this command is use to enter in any directory
32] reboot
reboot is used to shutdown and restart the linux system you can also use init 6 to restart and init 0 to shutdown the system
33] chmod
this command is used to change the permission of nay files and folder
34] dmidecode
If you want information of a particular hardware component use the dmidecode command
35] git clone
using this command you can install the tool from github repository
36] iptable
this command is used to set firewall configuration on linux system there is many gui tools also available
37] touch
touch command is used to create a empty file in any extension such as txt,sh,pdf,XML and so on
38] ssh
this command is used to connect with ssh port
39] telnet
this command is used to connect the telnet service port
40] lsblk
this command is used to see the disk partition your system
41] useradd
this command is used to add a new user in your linux system
42] userdel
this command is used to delete the user
use this essential commands to control the linux environments
If you find it useful then comment below ☺
-By Abhishek Joshi